Social Security Risk Machine

Making Policy Public

Social Security Risk Machine

Record It. Report It!

Public Access Design

Record It. Report It!

¡El poder de prepararse!

Public Access Design

¡El poder de prepararse!

Figuring Out Health Insurance

Making Policy Public

Figuring Out Health Insurance

Ready, Set, Apply!

Technical Assistance

Ready, Set, Apply!

CUP Welcomes our 2018 Public Access Design Fellows

CUP is excited to announce the 2018 Public Access Design Fellows. The incoming group of designers and artists will work with CUP over the coming year, and learn about our participatory design methods. Several of the fellows will also get to collaborate with CUP and our advocacy partners to create visual explanations of social justice issues.

The 2018 Public Access Design Fellows are:

Kevin Cadena

Aamina Ganser

Carmen Lopez

Carl Petrosyan

Hrudaya Veena Yanamandala

CITAD: Lisa Silbermayr & Jacqueline Castaneda

Marcela Szwarc

Erik Freer

This year’s jury had many great applicants to look through. We would like to thank designer Braulio Amado, Tania Mattos of UnLocal Inc., Beverley Liang of 2×4, and Ericka Dixon of Black Women’s Blueprint for their service. We would especially like to thank all the great designers, animators, and visual thinkers who applied! 

Learn more about Public Access Design here and meet the new group of fellows here.

Blunt Conversations

Urban Investigations

Blunt Conversations

What is asylum?

Making Policy Public

What is asylum?

Level Up

City Studies

Level Up

Zoning It In...

Urban Investigations

Zoning It In...

Work Forced

Public Access Design

Work Forced

Rent Regulation Rights

Making Policy Public

Rent Regulation Rights

What Up With DAT?

Technical Assistance

Figuring Out FEMA

Public Access Design

Figuring Out FEMA