Is Your Landlord Harassing You or Your Neighbors?

Envisioning Development

Is Your Landlord Harassing You or Your Neighbors?

Your School, Your Choice!

Making Policy Public

Your School, Your Choice!

Now Boarding

Urban Investigations

Now Boarding


Public Access Design


Keep Your Family's Home

Public Access Design

Keep Your Family's Home

Rent Regulation Rights

Making Policy Public

Rent Regulation Rights

CUP in By the People Exhibition!

CUP in By the People Exhibition!

We are excited to announce that four CUP projects are currently featured in By the People: Designing a Better America, the third exhibition in the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum's series on socially responsible design.

On display, you will see our Rent Regulation Rights poster; excerpts from Dick & Rick: A Visual Primer for Social Impact Design; City Digits: Local Lotto; and a special installation, Who Can Afford to Live in NYC?, using content from the Affordable Housing Toolkit. 

Make sure to check out the show on display until February 26th, 2017. 

Child Support?!

Making Policy Public

Child Support?!

Our Values, Our Voice, Our Vote

Making Policy Public

Our Values, Our Voice, Our Vote

Making the Grade

Urban Investigations

Making the Grade

Bottled Up

City Studies

Bottled Up

Is There A Pattern?

Urban Investigations

Is There A Pattern?

Food Stamped

City Studies

Food Stamped

Bronx Be Well

Urban Investigations

Bronx Be Well

Are You Ready for a Ruckus?

Urban Investigations

Are You Ready for a Ruckus?