CUP is looking for individuals who are interested in training to be workshop facilitators for our series of Envisioning Development Toolkits!
These are CUP’s series of portable, interactive, workshop tools designed to help individuals more effectively participate in discussions around land use issues, and more effectively advocate for their community needs. There are three workshop tools in the series: What Is Affordable Housing?, What Is Zoning?, and What Is ULURP?
We’re looking for friendly, outgoing individuals with an interest in land use and social justice, who would like to receive training to become workshop facilitators. The toolkits are designed for community organizers to run workshops in their own communities, but as more and more communities throughout NYC are impacted by major land use changes, CUP receives more and more requests to provide workshops. We sometimes have to turn down workshops because we don’t have enough people to lead them. So we’ve decided to reach out to our network of smart, dedicated friends and fans to create a cohort of workshop facilitators.
There are two phases of training to become a workshop facilitator. First, you will attend a training session led by CUP staff members, which includes content around the specific workshop, review of workshops instructions, and discussion of how to lead workshops in a way that is culturally responsive and respectful of the participating communities. Anyone who completes the first phase can continue on to the second phase, if they are interested. During the second phase, you will assist CUP staff in leading a minimum of 3 workshops.
At each step there will be opportunities to work closely with CUP staff to develop facilitation skills and learn all about the subjects covered in the workshops. At the end of the training process, you will become an official workshop facilitator, and be paid a stipend for each workshop you lead. Workshops are always run by two people, so you’ll always have a fellow facilitator or CUP staff member to work with.
Potential facilitators who speak languages other than English are especially encouraged to apply!
If you are interested, RSVP by June 2nd to [email protected] for one of the two workshop training dates on: Wednesday, June 21 6:30-8:30pm or Thursday, June 29 6:30-8:30pm.