Immigrants & NY

Making Policy Public

Immigrants & NY

¡No me han pagado!

Public Access Design

¡No me han pagado!

Shelter Skelter

Urban Investigations

Shelter Skelter

Up Closed and Personal

Urban Investigations

Up Closed and Personal

What Is Affordable Housing?

Envisioning Development

What Is Affordable Housing?

Lunchroom Digest

City Studies

Lunchroom Digest

Call for advocates + organizers!

Call for advocates + organizers!

CUP is now accepting applications for Making Policy Public and Public Access Design!

We’re looking for community and advocacy organizations who are working to address policy issues where the difficulty of understanding the issues is leading to social injustice. Together, we’ll collaborate with artists and designers to break down complex problems into an accessible, culturally appropriate visual tool that you can share with the communities you work with.

There are two ways to work with CUP through this open call:

Public Access Design projects are intensive 4–6-month collaborations with CUP, a designer, and an NYC-based community organization. Collaborations result in a pocket-sized guide that breaks down and demystifies a complex social justice issue. Projects are concise in scope and often cover urgent topics. Applications are due by Monday, September 20th at 12pm EST – click here to learn more and apply!

Making Policy Public projects are fold-out posters that explain broader, more complex systems. These projects are wider in scope and are open to out-of-state issues (although we look for partners that can attend meetings in NYC). These projects take around 8-10 months to finish. Applications are due by Monday, September 20th at 12pm EST – click here to learn more and apply!

For both programs, organizations will receive 1,000 free copies of the project you help create!

We’re looking for organizations who work directly with the people impacted by the issue and who can directly distribute the completed booklet or poster to those people. Applicants should be interested in engaging in a collaborative design process and, most importantly, should be interested in explaining an aspect of public policy! We define public policy broadly: proposed projects can address policies (like rent stabilization laws), systems (like how electronic surveillance impacts communities of color), or processes (like getting your stuff back after an arrest).

Apply here today!

Not sure which program is right for you? Watch our webinar to find out what we’re looking for!

Store Stories

City Studies

Store Stories

Social Security Risk Machine

Making Policy Public

Social Security Risk Machine

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Public Access Design

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Shelter Skelter

Urban Investigations

Shelter Skelter

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Making Policy Public

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A Fair Chance

Making Policy Public

A Fair Chance

It's Not Just Personal

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