What's in the Water?

Making Policy Public

What's in the Water?

Planning for your children's future

Technical Assistance

Planning for your children's future

If You Can Make It Here...

Urban Investigations

If You Can Make It Here...

Record It. Report It!

Public Access Design

Record It. Report It!

Who Makes Bail?

Urban Investigations

Who Makes Bail?

Voice Recognition

Urban Investigations

Voice Recognition
    • Monday, July 11, 2016, 7pm

Digital Investigation Premiere and Presentation

_Digital Investigation_ Premiere and Presentation

Since the Fresh Kills landfill closed on Staten Island over 15 years ago, NYC has exported all of its trash to other places to be buried or burned. Everyone from government officials to local residents has debated this complicated process, but one thing all folks agree on is that this current system is too costly and difficult to maintain. So where does our trash go and who makes these decisions? What’s the dirt on NYC’s mounting trash problem?

In our first Digital InvestigationCUP and Teaching Artist Dillon de Give partnered with students at Frances Perkins Academy in Greenpoint to dig deeper into the complicated world of garbage infrastructure. To find out more, students visited places like a local waste transfer station and a recycling facility. They interviewed key decision makers including a private waste carrier, an environmental activist, a Department of Sanitation staff member, and the chair of the City Council’s Sanitation Committee. 

During the past few months students collaborated with the Teaching Artist to edit and refine their findings into a documentary-style video that explains who decides where our trash goes, how else the system could work, and how the community can have a say in that decision. 

Join us for the debut of their video at the Wythe Hotel, where students will present the documentary and discuss their creative process.

This event is rescheduled for July 11th, 7pm.

Wythe Hotel Screening Room
80 Wythe Avenue at N. 11th St.
Williamsburg, Brooklyn

L train to Bedford Ave or G train to Nassau

This event is full and officially closed to the public. If you are interested in attending the event, please email us at [email protected] and we will add you to our waitlist. We will contact you if any spaces become available. 

This project is a new and expanded Urban Investigation. To learn more about our Urban Investigations program, click here.

This Digital Investigation is a part of Curb Your Litter: Greenpoint, a project of the Greenpoint Chamber of Commerce. 


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Making Policy Public

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¡No me han pagado!

Public Access Design

¡No me han pagado!

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