Displaced From This Place?

Urban Investigations

Displaced From This Place?

Record It. Report It!

Public Access Design

Record It. Report It!

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Public Access Design

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Share, Where?

Urban Investigations

Share, Where?

Making the Grade

Urban Investigations

Making the Grade

Power Trip

Urban Investigations

Power Trip
    • Tuesday, February  3, 2015, 7pm

Door Wars Debut Presentation

_Door Wars_ Debut Presentation

Last year, two developments in NYC received an avalanche of media attention for their use of separate entrances for market-rate tenants and affordable housing tenants—what some called the “poor door.” Where did the “poor door” come from? And who benefits from it?

In Door Wars, a brand new Urban Investigation, a group of public high school students from Bronx Compass High School in Castle Hill tackled these questions with teaching artist Douglas Paulson. To get a glimpse behind the “poor door,” students interviewed heavy hitters like the President of the Real Estate Board of New York, a City Council Member, and an affordable housing advocate. The team took their findings and broke it all down with a funky animation.

Door Wars debuted at University Settlement, students presented the video and discussed their creative process.

Tuesday, February 3rd at 7 pm
University Settlement
184 Eldridge St
New York, New York
F train to 2nd Avenue, J and Z trains to Bowery, and B and D trains to Grand St.

Free and open to the public.

RSVP here by Monday, February 2nd at 5 pm to reserve your spot.

Blunt Conversations

Urban Investigations

Blunt Conversations

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Public Access Design

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Public Access Design

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