Immigrants & NY

Making Policy Public

Immigrants & NY

Shifty Business

Public Access Design

Shifty Business

The Public School Avengers

Urban Investigations

The Public School Avengers

Predatory Equity

Making Policy Public

Predatory Equity

¡El poder de prepararse!

Public Access Design

¡El poder de prepararse!

Parents' Rights During COVID-19

Technical Assistance

Parents' Rights During COVID-19
    • Wednesday, August 27, 2014, 7pm

Urban Investigation Final Presentation

Urban Investigation Final Presentation



With a record 54,667 homeless people in New York City today, there is a serious need for shelters in the city. The Department of Homeless Services has to open up shelters on a regular basis to keep up with the demand for a safe place to sleep. But who decides where homeless shelters go? And why are some boroughs taking on more shelters than others?

CUP and teaching artist Patrick Rowe tackled this question with a group of public high school students from College Now at Hostos Community College. Our latest Urban Investigation explores the decision-making process for siting homeless shelters in New York City. The students interviewed a Community Board District Manager, a City Council Member, representatives from an advocacy group, and the Department of Homeless Services. They share their findings in a collage-tastic poster.

Our project debuted at the renowned Bronx Museum where students discussed their creative process and distributed free copies of the poster.


Wednesday, August 27 at 7 pm

Bronx Museum
1040 Grand Concourse 

Bronx, New York
D or B trains to the 167th Street station, 4 train to the 161th Street/Yankee Stadium station.

Free and open to the public. All attendees receive a free copy of the poster. RSVP here by Tuesday, August 26 at 5 pm to reserve your spot.

This project was made possible by the CUNY College Now program. Additional support was provided by Deutsche Bank and public funds from the Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

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Urban Investigations

Are You Ready for a Ruckus?


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