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Making Policy Public

Figuring Out Health Insurance

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Share, Where?

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Making Policy Public

Tenants' Rights to Repairs

New School on the Block

City Studies

New School on the Block
    • Thursday, March  2, 2017, 3:44pm

It’s Not Just Personal Digital Launch

_It's Not Just Personal_ Digital Launch

For college student survivors of sexual violence, reporting an incident can be a difficult and confusing process to take on alone. There are federal laws requiring universities to provide support and protection from discrimination for survivors, but these laws are hard to understand and universities don’t always comply with them. This can prevent survivors, particularly those that are of color and LGTBQ, from seeking help.

That's why we teamed up with Black Women's Blueprint to create It's Not Just Personal, a resource guide for students, activists, & administrators to their rights guaranteed by Title IX & the Clery Act. 

Black Women's Blueprint launched It's Not Just Personal on February 23rd with a Facebook Live event and Twitter chat with students from Medgar Evers College, CUNY. During the event, the students discussed their first reactions to the guide, and how they can use the poster to organize their peers and keep their schools accountable.

For more information about this project and how to get your own copy, click here!

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