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Meet the Jury for CUP’s 2020 Fellowship for Change in Design

Meet the Jury for CUP’s 2020 Fellowship for Change in Design

We pulled together an all-star group of jurors to help us select our next CUP Fellow for Change in DesignThis year we are joined by Jerome Harris (top left), Wael Morcos (top right), and Carly Ayres (bottom right)

Jerome Harris is a graphic designer and artist originally from New Haven, Connecticut. He is currently the design director of Housing Works in New York City, a large non-profit which grew out of the Act-Up activist collective, which maintains its advocacy roots in addition to offering services to marginalized populations in the city. Harris is also the curator of As, Not For: Dethroning Our Absolutes, an exhibition of 20th-century African-American graphic designers, which is currently touring the country, with one international exhibit in Brussels. He also maintains an ongoing recreational choreographic practice on Instagram named @32count, where he invites friends and the general public to participate in 1-hour dance workshops where he teaches choreography, records it, and posts it online. He is also a gamer and loves to cook. He holds an MFA from Yale University in Graphic Design, and a BA from Temple University.

Wael Morcos is a graphic designer and type designer from Beirut, Lebanon. Upon receiving his BA in Graphic Design from Notre Dame University (Lebanon), he spent three years developing identities and Arabic-Latin bilingual typefaces, in addition to working in print and exhibition design. Wael received his MFA from RISD in 2013, after which he moved to New York and worked with several studios in the city before founding Morcos Key. Wael has been featured in Print Magazine’s 15 under 30, was named a Young Gun by the Art Directors Club and an Ascender by the Type Directors Club.

Carly Ayres is a writer using language and interaction to engage people in new and interesting ways. Currently, she does that on the Google Design team. She was previously a partner at HAWRAF, an interactive design studio in New York, and before that, worked humanizing AI and evolving the Google logo. She’s the founder of 100sUnder100, a community of hundreds of creative people under a hundred years of age. It manifests in the form of a Slack group (run, in part, by a wonderful group of admins), as well as through various in-person events and happenings.

Applications to the Fellowship are due on Monday, April 13th at noon, Eastern time. Click here to learn more!

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