A Fair Chance

Making Policy Public

A Fair Chance

The Newtown Creek BOA

Technical Assistance

The Newtown Creek BOA

From Shelter to Apartment

Making Policy Public

From Shelter to Apartment

Keep Your Family's Home

Public Access Design

Keep Your Family's Home

Shelter Skelter

Urban Investigations

Shelter Skelter

Don't Get Iced

Public Access Design

Don't Get Iced
    • 155D East Broadway
      New York, NY

What Is Zoning? launch and community workshops

_What Is Zoning?_ launch and community workshops

On November 20th, 2013, CUP launched What Is Zoning? the second in our series of Envisioning Development Toolkits, with a party and four days of hands-on community workshops.

Zoning law regulates land use across the city and shapes buildings, blocks, and whole neighborhoods. It can be a tool for preservation or for rapid physical and economic development. But how does it work?

This workshop explains density, bulk, land use, and how proposed rezonings could affect your neighborhood. It helps commmunities learn the basics, like how FAR works, and build up to topics like inclusionary and contextual zoning, with brightly colored plastic blocks and interactive activities.

Want to learn more about the toolkit? Get training to run workshops? Buy or borrow a toolkit to run your own workshops?
Contact mark(at)welcometocup.org to find out more.

What Is Mandatory Inclusionary Housing?

Envisioning Development

What Is Mandatory Inclusionary Housing?

Figuring Out Health Insurance

Making Policy Public

Figuring Out Health Insurance

Is Your Landlord Using Construction to Harass You?

Technical Assistance

Is Your Landlord Using Construction to Harass You?

What Is Zoning?

Envisioning Development

What Is Zoning?

What the Cell?

Urban Investigations

What the Cell?

¡El poder de prepararse!

Public Access Design

¡El poder de prepararse!

Reclaim Your Worker Rights

Making Policy Public

Reclaim Your Worker Rights

Can You See My Screen?

Urban Investigations

Can You See My Screen?