Our Voice, Our Choice

Urban Investigations

Our Voice, Our Choice

Ready, Set, Apply!

Technical Assistance

Ready, Set, Apply!

Carbon City

City Studies

Carbon City

Get Support in Housing Court

Making Policy Public

Get Support in Housing Court

Mean Streets

City Studies

Mean Streets

Common Cents

City Studies

Common Cents

Print Care Aware

In New York City, nearly 600,000 people don’t have health insurance. Around half of those people can’t receive coverage because of their citizenship status. To address this need, Mayor Bill de Blasio proposed a plan to guarantee affordable health care for every New Yorker, regardless of their citizenship status. This plan is called NYC Care.

In the spring of 2019, CUP collaborated with Teaching Artist April Wen and Andre Machado’s science class at the International High School for Health Sciences in Elmhurst, Queens to investigate Mayor de Blasio’s proposed plan to provide health care for all New Yorkers. To investigate, students got out of the classroom to speak to community members, interview stakeholders working on the issue, and create art to visualize how this change could impact their community.

Students created this pamphlet to teach others what they learned and to help other students and their families navigate the complicated world of health care.

Pass It On!

Making Policy Public

Pass It On!

Pass It On!

Making Policy Public

Pass It On!

Record It. Report It!

Public Access Design

Record It. Report It!

The Who in the Q!

Urban Investigations

The Who in the Q!

Reclaim Your Worker Rights

Making Policy Public

Reclaim Your Worker Rights


City Studies


¡El poder de prepararse!

Public Access Design

¡El poder de prepararse!

Who Benefits from Community Benefit Agreements?

Urban Investigations

Who Benefits from Community Benefit Agreements?