Store Stories

City Studies

Store Stories

Education Rights for Families

Technical Assistance

Education Rights for Families

Record It. Report It!

Public Access Design

Record It. Report It!

Show Up

Public Access Design

Show Up

Don't Bank On It

Making Policy Public

Don't Bank On It

Keep Your Family's Home

Public Access Design

Keep Your Family's Home
Winter Holiday Bundle

Kit Winter Holiday Bundle

Give the gift of CUP! This holiday season, we’re offering a special discount on a collection of all of our printed projects that launched in 2021. The gift bundle also includes limited edition CUP socks so you can wear your CUP pride. Make sure to order your gift before December 20th for shipping before the new year!

Projects in this bundle include: 

Women, Know Your Rights at Work! a guide to New Yorkers’ workplace rights around safety and fair pay, with a focus on legal protections against gender-based discrimination. 

Reclaim Your Worker Rights, which explains the difference between employees and independent contractors, how that distinction affects taxes and benefits, and how to avoid misclassification.

Here to Stay!, a trilingual guide about Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), a special form of humanitarian immigration relief for youth under 21.

Tenants’ Rights to Repairs a trilingual guide in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole that lets folks know what steps to take if a landlord isn’t making repairs.

Your Truth Your Rights, which explains Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, Intersex, and Nonbinary (TGNCINB) folks’ rights to safe housing in New York City jails and New York State prisons.

Record It. Report It!, a guide that helps New Yorkers who are using housing vouchers understand what source of income discrimination looks like, how to report it, and how to get fair housing.

Hey, that’s not okay, a tool that helps students understand what gender-based violence is, the importance of consent, and the options for reporting sexual harassment in New York City schools.

Trouble With Your Water Bill?, which helps utility consumers who are behind on their water payments understand their payment plan options and avoid water shutoffs.

Can You See My Screen?, an investigation into digital equity and the future of remote learning.

It’s Not Just In Our Heads, an investigation into mental health and how it impacts our daily lives.

The Cargo Chain

Making Policy Public

The Cargo Chain

Engage to Change

Technical Assistance

Engage to Change

Bail's Set... What's Next?

Public Access Design

Bail's Set... What's Next?

What Do Incarcerated Parents Need to Know About ACS?

Technical Assistance

What Do Incarcerated Parents Need to Know About ACS?

Field Guide to Federalism

City Studies

Field Guide to Federalism

What Is Affordable Housing?

Envisioning Development

What Is Affordable Housing?

Fast Trash

City Studies

Fast Trash

We care!

Making Policy Public

We care!