What's in the Water?

Making Policy Public

What's in the Water?

From Shelter to Apartment

Making Policy Public

From Shelter to Apartment

Sign Up!

Public Access Design

Sign Up!

The Who in the Q!

Urban Investigations

The Who in the Q!

Scary, Ok With it, Good

City Studies

Scary, Ok With it, Good

Figuring Out FEMA

Public Access Design

Figuring Out FEMA


Want to help make our Youth Education programs a reality? Be a fundraising champion for CUP!

news, launch event

What is facial recognition technology? How its use by the police impact New Yorkers? What’s the line between public safety and privacy?


It’s an overwhelming time to be an educator right now. Supporting our students during nationwide protests against police brutality and amidst a global pandemic is made all the more difficult when we can’t be in the room with our students. As educators, how can we ... more


How can designers use their work to combat bias and disrupt the perpetuation of stereotypes that harm marginalized communities? Join us on Thursday, June 25th for Countering Bias in Design: A workshop with CUP!  As in many other media, illustration and design often ... more


We stand with the fight against anti-Black racism.


CUP is proud to receive an Immediate Response Grant from Brooklyn Community Foundation to support our work to create COVID-19 specific tools.


Many families across the city are facing the devastating loss of loved ones due to the COVID-19 crisis. In addition to the emotional trauma and stress, if a family member who is the primary leaseholder of the apartment moves out or passes away, the family members who ... more


CUP’s Executive Director Christine Gaspar was recently featured in Portraits of Leadership, a series of interviews with nonprofit and cultural leaders reckoning with the COVID-19 crisis, created by Hyperakt.

news, launch event

On Thursday, June 21st, nearly 60 people tuned in for the student debut of DataFace!, an investigation into facial recognition technology. CUP worked with students from the Bronx School for Law, Government & Justice and Teaching Artist Hugo Rojas to investigate ... more

launch event

Join CUP for the online debut of Health Inside & Out


As parents and educators continue to adapt to remote learning, we’re sharing some resources and tips that can help bring project-based learning into your home!

news, launch event

You’re invited to the online debut of DataFace!

Don't Trash NYC!

Public Access Design

Don't Trash NYC!

Work Forced

Public Access Design

Work Forced

Good Cops? Bad Cops? More Cops? No Cops?

Urban Investigations

Good Cops? Bad Cops? More Cops? No Cops?

Es Tu Dinero, Decides Tú

Making Policy Public

Es Tu Dinero, Decides Tú

The Newtown Creek BOA

Technical Assistance

The Newtown Creek BOA


Public Access Design


Figuring Out Health Insurance

Making Policy Public

Figuring Out Health Insurance

Is Your Neighborhood Getting Too Expensive?

Technical Assistance